
EYCO aims to improve the recognition, structure, quality and promotion of youth circus, by its nature a popular and accessible art form, as a means for children and young people to take an active role in society and to engage in social citizenship. EYCO exists to serve as a forum and seeding ground for European cooperation between National Youth Circus Networks and works in collaboration with a variety of partners to stimulate, promote and support, on a national and European level, the process of recognising and structuring youth circus.To be at the epicentre of Youth Circus in Europe providing information, guidance and the expertise to empower all European countries to establish national youth circus umbrellas, increasing the quality and sustainability of the European Youth Circus Sector, and to contribute to the recognition that the circus arts can provide the means to change lives.

EYCO members

EYCO is the European umbrella of the national youth circus organization in European countries

The Daily Board is elected by the Management Committee of the European Youth Circus Organisation  which is comprised of full or candidate full members (or their representatives).   According to the by-laws, the roles of the Daily Board are for one year and the officers can stand for re-election.